Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Introduction to the Development of Travel + Tourism

1. Changing Socio-Economic Circumstances:- The first changes in socio-economic circumstances were when the industrial revolution took place. People were moving from the rural countryside into the bigger towns and cities to find regular employment in the factories, mills and mines. All over England work places were shutting down for a week (wakes week this was called). They were taking a paid holiday which was the first big break for most of the working population. People suddenly had an increase in leisure time to do more things with their family and friends; this is because the working hours in a week were dramatically cut from around 45+ to sometimes below 40. The raise in wages meant that more people could do things and go places further a field. They took weekend breaks and short holidays more often as well and also they had budgeting for a week's holiday which they could plan ahead for and get the time off through their employers. By the 1960's there was a huge rise in teen holidays, these holidays were very popular with people between the ages of 18-30. It became part of culture for young people to go off abroad on new package deal holidays. They would go out drinking and after a night in a pub or bar they would go back to their hotel rooms with a young girl and have ‘no-strings attached' sex. They would usually go on holiday for the sole reason of drinking and having sex all week. 2. Technological Developments Public transport was vital part in how and where people took their holidays. Mainly in the 1940's and early 50's, people used the railway to get to holiday resorts like Blackpool, they would travel mainly from places of work like Manchester, Liverpool, Blackburn etc. By the mid 1950's the car was becoming more of a major role in public transport and many people took to driving further away than the original holiday resorts of Blackpool, Scarborough, Brighton etc. They travelled to places like Cornwall and Dorset. Some people even braved going abroad to places like Belgium, Holland and France which was unheard of in those days. They drove to big ports like Dover or Ramsgate and caught a ferry across to Europe. The invention of the jet engine then came along and people discovered holidays in the Mediterranean where the weather was always guaranteed to be hot and sunny. People took to going abroad a lot more because of the jet engine and its power to travel further than anything before that. Lastly and most recently became the use of electronic booking and air traffic control so more planes can come and go from an airport more frequently than ever before. The internet is now the easiest, fastest and sometimes cheapest place to book holidays from. It can be done in a matter of minutes. 3. Product Development and Innovation People in Britain only started going on holiday in the 1860's. The only place they could go to was holiday resorts by the sea like Blackpool, Scarborough etc. If it rained they had to try and entertain their children outside somewhere because they weren't allowed back to there holiday flats until the evening. A great innovation was brought into light in the 1950's by a man called Billy Butlin. It was a holiday camp where there was entertainment all week whether indoors because of the rain or outdoors in the sun. Everyone went there year in year out and thousands of people enjoyed a great time every week it was open. Package holidays were the next big thing to come along. Holidays abroad were all fully paid for including flights. When you got there you didn't have to do anything but relax and enjoy the weather. The hotel cooked food and laid on meals for you and did everything. This was why it's called a ‘package holiday'. 4. Changing Needs, Expectation and Fashions Annual holidays became fashion throughout Briton. Everyone had to take a holiday as the holiday pay act came into use it was far more acceptable for people to go away. It became a culture and it still is a culture for most people in Britain. People often go on more than one holiday a year now, to places further abroad than the Mediterranean. Some people enjoy actually taking a year out of work or education to go and explore the traditions of places in Europe. Whereas most people like just relaxing, enjoying the sunshine and having a good time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Developing Competent Reader In Classroom Education Essay

The definitions of ‘read ‘ and ‘reading ‘ from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English are: â€Å" Read agencies to look at the written words and understand what they are average † . â€Å" Reading means the activity of understanding the written words † . There is a huge literature on the definition of reading. Harmonizing to Spache and Spache ( 1969 ) there were a assortment of definitions of reading due to the complexness and consecutive phases of reading development. Reading can besides be described in a assortment of headers such as reading for accomplishment development, as a ocular act, as a perceptual act as a contemplation of cultural background and a thought procedure. On the other manus, Williams ( 1984 ) defined reading as a procedure in which a reader looks at a text and understands what has been written. He farther stated that reading does non intend a individual needs to understand everything he reads because people read for different grounds and intents. Reading by itself seems easy and simple but many surveies have been carried out to demo with scientific grounds that the act of reading is really a really complicated procedure. Harmonizing to Ponnusamy ( 1997 ) , the first of import description of reading and its procedure can be traced back every bit early as 1917 by Thorndike, a psychologist who coined reading as logical thinking. The procedure of reading can outdo be described in an analogy written by Thorndike ( 1917 ) as cited in Ponnusamy ( 1997: 21 ) in which he described the reading procedure as: â€Å" aˆÂ ¦understanding a paragraph is like work outing mathematics. It consists of choosing the right component of state of affairs and seting them together in the right dealingss, and besides within the right sum of weight or influence or force for each. The head is assailed as it was bothered by every word in the paragraph. It must choose, repress, soften, stress, correlate organize all under the influence of the right mental form or intent or demand. Therefore, it appears that reading an explanatory or argumentative paragraph involves the same kind of organisation and analytic action of thoughts as those that occur in believing purportedly higher kinds † .two ) Definition of Competent Reader:In response to this inquiry is how the term â€Å" competent † can technically hold somewhat different significances for different persons and households. The basic definition is that non merely reading on a regular footing, but picking up at least some of the implicit in message of what you ‘re reading. If you ‘re reading more for pleasance than work or school, so the key for competence is that you ‘re basking the narrative and feeling like you ‘re genuinely plunging into the existence of the narrative when reading it. But as I merely said, this term is one of those that is a unstable graduated table of significances, so this is all merely one point of position. In the English patterned advance maps, the competent reader is briefly characterized as being able to read between the lines, seeing significance that is n't stated straight and to deploy a broad scope of active schemes to happen and read texts for different intents. Students who are going competent readers have secured sufficient reading schemes, such as phonics, contextual cues, word onslaught accomplishments and sense of grammar, to undertake new and unfamiliar texts, with assurance, on their ain. While they may still read hesitatingly on occasions, they possess sufficient self-help schemes to hear their mistakes and self correct when necessary. They non merely scan in front to undertake longer, complex sentences ; they are get downing to look beyond the sentence to paragraphs, chapters and whole text layout. Students at this phase read for significance and are willing participants in the inventive universe of the text, visualising, sympathizing, and doing opinions about what they read.1. The Importance of Developing Competent Reader in Classroom‘Reading is a wont to be developed by oneself and it can non be taught by instructors. Reading is an synergistic procedure between the readers and the text. Knowledge means a deep apprehension of subjects and the linguistic communication that the reader has acquired. The more the pupil reads the more are the opportunities of going a good reader. Teachers should implement assorted schemes in schools to convey persons with good reading accomplishments, for which he proposed extended reading of easy and interesting books that would make involvement in pupils to read and at the same time better vocabulary. In states such as Malaysia, the challenges for any pupil authors of English are so great. In add-on to holding to larn to compose ( and compose to larn ) to run into the conventions and demands of composing in the mark linguistic communication, they are expected to show a high degree of lingual competency to convey the intended message in their authorship. In other words, to go competent authors, non merely do they need to hold a clear thought of the macro or top-down characteristics that make the text cohere with other texts of the same discourse genre, they besides need to be able to pull upon the relevant lingual resources at the micro or bottom-up degree to do the peculiar piece of composing cohesive ( Celce-Murcia & A ; Olshtain, 2000 ) . Within the literacy community, there are two distinguishable but complementary positions on reading development. The first position, prevalent in several good publicized paperss and federal statute law ( e.g. , Snow, Burns, & A ; Griffin, 1998 ) , deals about entirely with the early period of reading development, what might be described as emergent literacy. This early period is unimpeachably a critical clip in reading development, and there are virtually libraries devoted to basic dimensions of reading acquisition, including phonological consciousness, vocabulary, and eloquence ( Adams, 1990 ) Yet, there is another position of reading development that extends good beyond the initial period of basic accomplishment and procedure acquisition. This perspective looks at reading as â€Å" a long-run developmental procedure, † at the terminal of which â€Å" the proficient grownup reader can read a assortment of stuffs with easiness and involvement, can read for changing intents, and can read with comprehension even when the stuff is neither easy to understand nor per se interesting † . This peculiar orientation does non dismiss the emergent literacy position, but subsumes it as a first measure in lifetime development. It is this 2nd position of reading development-one lupus erythematosus addressed in public and political rhetoric, statute law, and educational policies-that we examine here. Specifically, it is the end to look into how reading develops across the lifetime by constructing on the huge literatures in developmental psychological science, cognitive psychological science, expertness, motive, and domain-specific acquisition, every bit good as reading research. There are of import educational benefits accrued by sing reading within such a lifespan developmental model. For one, it helps us to see the alterations and challenges pupils and grownups face one time they journey beyond the early simple classs. Presently, there is an increased consciousness that more must be done to understand the nature of adolescent literacy ( Alvermann et al. , 1996 ; Moje, 2000 ) and grownup literacy ( Kruidenier, 2002 ; Nist & A ; Holschuh, 2000 ) . The more we understand about striplings ‘ and grownups ‘ continued development as readers, the better we can supply for them. The attacks and intercessions suited for immature readers taking their first stairss toward reading competency are non likely to work for older kids, striplings, or grownups, even if they still struggle to do sense of print ( Alvermann, 2001 ) . Not merely hold these striplings and grownups changed cognitively, physically, and socially, but the in-classroom or at-work literacy de mands they face have changed every bit good ( Nist & A ; Simpson, 2000 ) . A lifespan developmental position would non halt in the early old ages or go to merely to those who have yet to get the most basic accomplishments or procedures. Rather, it would see reading from uterus to tomb ; that is, for all populations and for all stages of reading growing. If instructors understood the nature of alterations that should happen in readers as they progress toward competency, and if instructors had some thought of the jobs that might originate during that journey, so they could break formulate intercessions or trade educational stuffs that might besiege jobs or better their effects ( Pressley, 2001 ) . For illustration, pupils ‘ motives for reading are critical forces in prolonging their continued growing and development in the sphere of reading ( Guthrie & A ; Wigfield, 2000 ) . Thus, educational plans intent on back uping pupils ‘ long-run reading development should give ample consideration to such motivational variables, including pupils ‘ involvements and ends.2. The Competent Reading FrameworkThis reading model is designed to stress on the active and synergistic nature of reading. The purpose of the COMPETENT reading model is to develop COMPETENT, independent readers. The content and public-service corporation of two theoretical accounts of reading comprehension trials, the basic accomplishments assessment theoretical account and the multiple pick cloze ( MCC ) theoretical account, are discussed. The basic reading competence theoretical account assesses the ability to read or deduce â€Å" basic † significances from a scope of written or symbolic communicating, as is necessary for day-to-day life in this society. This limited analysis of the basic competence theoretical account suggests some grade of positive practical impact of the trial ; applications of this theoretical account are illustrated. Criticisms of this theoretical account province that such a trial is non theoretically based, nor objectively consistent, nor does it give scores that provide detailed diagnostic counsel in the instructional procedure. The multiple pick cloze ( MCC ) technique was developed as one look of the actual comprehension concept, viewed as the basic accomplishment underlying the reader ‘s ability to deduce expressed significances from written linguistic communication. Items in the trial are objectively developed and derived from a theoretical model, therefore supplying guidelines for construing the resulting trial tonss. Current developments suggest that these trial consequences can be used to place the sorts of stuffs that readers can grok at the actual degree for specific intents. The trial besides appears to offer a diagnostic capableness with reasonably distinct instructional deductions3. The Benefits of Competent Reading Framework.There are several cardinal facets of the Competent Reading Framework made it so effectual in assisting pupils to better their ain egos. Such as: –ComprehensiveSchools come to set up two to three hours of day-to-day literacy direction across all content countries Schools utilize a model for turn toing four of import larning constituents: comprehension, eloquence, word cognition, and composing Professional development includes direction, lesson planning, and rating and appraisal of pupilsCapacity BuildingTeachers become better prepared to be after and implement direction that addresses pupils ‘ strengths and demands Teachers learn to take research-based schemes that lead to increased pupil accomplishment Professional development extends to the disposal to guarantee support of instructors ‘ attempts to better literacy directionFlexibleThe Framework is non a written plan or commercial merchandise, so it can be shaped to local contexts to better run into the demands of pupils School forces can fit their ain manners, course of study, and stuffs to Framework guidelines All activities and staff development are designed collaboratively with each schoolEffectiveAdoption of the Framework has helped many schools accomplish singular additions in school reading accomplishment ( Preliminary Analysis of an Innovative Framework for School Reading, National Science Foundation, 2001 ) This undertaking was adopted system-wide in 2001 by the Chicago Board of Education and is now implemented in 600 Chicago schools, with 26,000 instructors, functioning 437,000 pupils yearly The Framework rules are consistent with recent determination of the National Reading Panel, and has been so effectual that it is now used by 100s of schools across the stateServicess for Helping SchoolsThe Chicago Reading Framework Project offers schools a broad scope of possibilities to take from when make up one's minding on services.A Schools can custom-make their professional development services by choosing from the following options: Ongoing Support School-wide support to implement the Reading Framework, concentrating direction on comprehension, eloquence, word cognition, and composing Consultations to help instructors in developing more chances for reading and composing within linguistic communication arts/reading and across the content countries Support for instructors in distinguishing their direction to run into the demands of heterogenous schoolrooms Follow-up coaching to instructors that includes schoolroom observations, support within the schoolroom, in-class mold of instructional schemes that support Framework guidelines, unwritten and/or written feedback, and co-planning to run into the demands of pupils Analysis of available pupil informations to place focussed, mensurable aims, every bit good as appropriate instructional schemes to run into those aims Engagement in grade degree meetings to present extra, grade-appropriate schemes and informationWorkshopsProfessional development that addresses the undermentioned key reading elements: phonemic consciousness, phonics, eloquence, vocabulary development, comprehension, and composing Workshops on a assortment of subjects such as appraisal and rating, motive, standards-based course of study, content country literacy, schoolroom direction, among others Full twenty-four hours or half twenty-four hours workshops, developed in concurrence with reading specializers to turn to school demands, are available for the whole module Combine sound theory and practical schoolroom application to assist instructors understand why and how to efficaciously use suggested thoughts and schemes Include mold, guided pattern, and comprehensive stuffs to assist instructors to the full grasp what they learned during workshops and use it in their ain schoolroomsLeadershipConsulting with decision makers, reading specializers, and instructors to analyse school broad literacy attempts and find long- and short-run ends Reding the principal and administrative squad to guarantee consistent execution of the Reading Framework across class degrees Helping school leading with monitoring and support of instructors ‘ attempts Promoting instructors to back up one another and take more of a leading function themselves Collaborating with Reading Specialist and administrative squad sing techniques to turn to literacy betterment across the schoolAppraisal and EvaluationEvaluation of all facets of reading direction and do recommendations for alteration when necessary Analysis of standardised trial and other appraisal informations to steer programs for school betterment Periodic studies and checklists for instructors and decision makers to both assess the advancement made toward ends and to find hereafter techniques to run into school and schoolroom aims Training to help instructors in construing multiple appraisals to better turn to the instructional demands of pupils Regular schoolroom visits to join forces with instructors to analyse their usage of instructional clip and schemes for reading direction across the course of study.4. The Challenges and Potential Problems in Developing Competent ReaderReading is a really of import accomplishment as it is recognized as a necessary portion of obtaining a better occupation and entree to literature and cognition. However, reading in a foreign linguistic communication such as English might be a job for some people. Snow, Burns and Griffin ( 2006 ) claim that there are three possible faltering blocks in reading viz. the trouble in understanding and utilizing the alphabetic rule, the failure to reassign the comprehension accomplishments of spoken linguistic communication to reading and the deficiency of motive and grasp for reading. They further add that kids who face early reading job deficiency anterior cognition and relevant accomplishments such as the ability to bring forth words, the ability to separat e sounds, the ability to get the hang the mechanics of reading and the ability to place letters. This trouble leads to low motive and can be debatable for linguistic communication instructors as â€Å" the motive of necessitating to read is powerful † ( Nuttal, C, 1996: 3 ) . However in order to assist kids to read it is of import to acquire them to read extensively. Nuttal farther adds that the latter is the easiest and most effectual manner of bettering the reading accomplishments. During reading, pupils may hold trouble decryption, and so hold trouble reading the words of their texts accurately. In add-on, these pupils read excessively easy, or deficiency eloquence. As a consequence of their slow, laA ­bored reading, they frequently do non grok much of what they read, and the attending they have to give to calculating out the words keeps them from understanding the text. All excessively frequently these pupils lack sufficient background cognition about the subject of a text. They may hold problem linking the thoughts of a text. They frequently are non familiar with the vocabulary they encounter, and have problem finding word significances. Further, even when the pupils posA ­sess relevant background cognition, they often are non able to actiA ­vate it to assist them understand what they read. Some readers besides are incognizant of text organisation. They do non cognize plenty about the organisational construction of narrations or the variA ­ous organisational constructions of expositive texts to assist them read and unA ­derstand. After reading, these pupils typically do non believe about or reflect upon what they have read. They about ne'er seek out extra information about a subject. The cumulative consequence of these troubles is that they frequently lose assurance in their ability to read. Because reading is hard for them and they can non and make non read widely. As a consequence, they are exposed excessively much less text and so receive much less pattern reading. Further, the pattern they do have is frequently frustrating, because many of the texts they are asked to read are excessively hard for them.5. The Ways to Instil More Interest in Reading among the LearnersTheorists, psycholinguists and linguists have given many sentiments refering to reading and the procedure of reading. Many agree that reading is a complex country ( Ehri, 2001 ; Snow, Burns and Griffin, 2006 ) . In the procedure of reading, the reader constructs intending from written texts. In reading, readers go through certain procedures. These procedures are explained through the three reading theoretical accounts viz. bottom-up, top-down and synergistic theoretical accounts of reading. The bottom-up theoretical account emphasizes on print, wherein the readers decode the print in the signifier of letters and words into text, into phonological representations before building significance ( Nooreiny Maarof, 1998 ) . The top-down theoretical account suggests that the readers guess the significance in the text by doing anticipations about the print and building of intending with the counsel of anterior cognition ( Ibid, 1998 ) . The synergistic theoretical account, on the other manus, combines both the reading theoretical accounts mentioned earlier. Harmonizing to this theoretical account, our reading is said to happen at assorted degrees through the interaction of physical texts on the page and our mental constructs. This theoretical account of reading reflects the underlying theory that supports it, viz. the scheme theory. Schema Theory is really our background cognition at work in the procedure of linguistic communication comprehension ( Hadley, 2000 ) . ESL instructors can make a reading wont among scholars by choosing books which are gratifying to read. The standard for choosing texts must be readability ( ie. accommodating the lingual degree of the reader ) and suitableness of content ( ie. accommodating the rational demands of the reader ) . When books are appealing in coloring material and illustrations with small bullying in linguistic communication and content, there will be sufficient motive to run into any novice reader ‘s appetency to read. Besides this the instructor could besides hold a set of category library books which pupils can borrow. Some scholars, one time provided with reading stuffs will read rather merrily with no farther encouragement from the instructor, others will necessitate farther inducements.One manner the ESL instructor can assist is by puting undertakings after reading a book. This provides a utile feedback to the instructor as to who is reading the most books and which books are most popular. Undertakings include supplying a guided book reappraisal format that the reader has to make full upon completion of a book and a category reading chart naming all the rubrics of books read on the horizontal axis of the grid with names of pupils on the perpendicular axis ofthe grid. By plotting, the chart will bespeak the general advancement ofreading in the category. It will be a good thought to inquire the readers to associate a small ofwhat they read and possibly keep category treatments on the more popula r books read. The texts that are given to pupils are simple and interesting and assist them in accommodating in literary texts. In the schoolroom we might hold a category of mix ability pupils and non ever all the pupils find the texts ‘simple ‘ per say. Teachers have to make their ‘extra ‘ prep to do the texts either simpler for the weaker pupils or more hard for the good pupils. Merely to do the texts interesting and stimulating are n't plenty. Teachers need to be a good function theoretical account in advancing healthy reading wonts. When pupils see for themselves that the instructors read and are knowing automatically pupils would desire to be like them. In short, being a good function theoretical account is really critical in instructors ‘ profession. The texts besides must suitable for each degree but we ca n't state that the linguistic communication or vocabulary is non excessively hard. Private reading can be a rewarding and self-sufficient activity for them, worthy of the clip and energy they invest in it. They see what reading has to offer them. Students who are firmly established as competent readers read with understanding at a actual degree and can besides read beyond the text and between the lines. They infer and deduce both concealed and implied significances and, even though their illations may non ever be firmly rooted in the text, they by and large make sense. Students at this degree deploy a scope of inventive responses to text, such as empathy, anticipation and guess. They may compare the universe of the text to their ain experiences and are able to do simple remarks about a author ‘s point of view every bit good as the consequence of the text on the reader. In both fiction and non-fiction texts, students are able to pick out relevant points, back uping them by some by and large relevant textual mention or citation every bit good as identifying and doing simple remarks about the author ‘s usage of linguistic communication and organisational characteristics.6. The Strategies to Foster the Reading Habit among Malayan LearnersIn position of this, something has to be done to cut down and if possible, to wholly eliminate illiteracy among pupils. Therefore, to get down with, instructors must be seen as function theoretical accounts for the pupils to emulate. Teachers must read a batch in order to maintain abreast with the fast-changing information age. Teachers should affect themselves in reading because harmonizing to Eskey ( 1986. p.21, cited in Renandya & A ; Jacobs, 2002 ) : â€Å" ReadingaˆÂ ¦must be developed, and can merely be developed, by agencies of extended and continued pattern. Peoples learn to read, and read better by reading. † This position on extended reading as a reading wont is besides shared by Krashen ( 1993, p. 23, cited in Renandya & A ; Jacobs, 2002 ) that through reading we â€Å" develop a good authorship manner, an equal vocabulary, advanced grammar and aˆÂ ¦ becomes good spellers † . Finnochiaro ( 1989 ) besides suggests that instructors need to read to assist ease their teaching-learning activity in the schoolroom as information obtained through their reading will assist them maintain in touch with current issues and to use them in their schoolroom treatment. An effectual instructor is a instructor who ever keeps abreast with alterations be it in learning or larning facets. In position of the above mentioned jobs, the research worker would wish to look into the reading wonts of instructors in the four schools. The hapless reading wonts among Malaysians can be seen in studies conducted by the Ministry of Education on National Literacy in 1982 and 1996 ( Kaur and Thiyagarajah, 1999 ) . In the earlier study, an mean Malayan citizen read a mere page or two a twelvemonth whilst the later revealed an norm of two books a twelvemonth. In position of this, the research looked into the reading wonts of instructors in four government-aided secondary schools ( Mission Schools ) in Kuching territory. The survey focused on the types of reading stuffs that they read, whether their instruction tonss inhibit their reading wonts, factors that influence their reading wonts, clip spent on reading and grounds for reading. Every one of us knows how to read, but how frequently we read and what sort of stuff we read? We can non deny that reading is a really good wont, We can get the general cognition by reading. That is why we are inculcated the reading wont by our parent and instructors since we are immature. But, Malaysians have hapless reading wont. Well, if you do n't believe that, merely look into out the study done by the National Library in 2005 to find the profile of Malayan readers. More than half of the 65,000 respondents answered that they read less than seven pages a twenty-four hours and those 10 old ages and above merely read about two books a twelvemonth. Now, it is the clip to do the Malaysians realize the of import of reading and do it as their wont. There are many reading stuffs around us, for illustration, newspapers, magazines and all sort of books. Possibly people feel that reading the words on the paper is a deadening occupation in this engineering century, hence, a new sort of book is being created, that is, electronic book. The words are non lie on the documents any longer, but on the screen of computing machine and you can convey along it wherever you go. It is really convenience to the people today, you merely salvage the book you want to read in the computing machine, no affair how many of book you want to read, there is no the midst and heavy of the documents. Other than that, the authorities has already put attempt into the plans that encourage the people to read more. Many plans have been organized, such as reading festival, reading run and so on. Although the attempts did non derive many supports from the populace, we can non deny the attempts were really do an consequence. Many of the people who were take portion in those plans know the of import of reading and do reading as their new wont now. Besides, the reading wont should be inculcated among childs. To make that, the function of parents and early instruction is really of import. The parents must state the kids about the benefits of reading and do reading more interesting to pull their attending toward reading. Parents may read them a narrative before slumber and inquire the kid read the narrative in bend on the following twenty-four hours. In position of this job, Malaysian A Ministry of Education ( MoE ) attempts to implement more effectual and efficient readingA programsA which are executed consistently and continuouslyA A via a long termA plan known as NILAM Program ‘NP ‘ ( Nadi Ilmu Amalan Membaca ) or slackly translated as â€Å" reading is the pulsation of cognition. Government schools or schools under MoE in Malaysia instructed to put to death NP get downing from January 1999 in conformity to CircularA Num.13/1998A dated 22A May 1998. NILAM: Concept Guide Book and Implementation inA School published by Technology of Education Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia ( 1998 ) . The Education Ministry is widening the range of the NilamA or Award to promote more studentsA from primary schools every bit good as secondary schools nationwideA to read. The Nilam Award is a reading programme initiated by the Education Ministry in 1999 to instill the reading wont. Students are recognized at primary and secondary school degrees harmonizing to the figure of books they have read. To be awarded the Nilam Award at primary school degree, pupils must read 360 books or more, while at secondary school degree, they have to read 288 books and supra. To measure up, pupils are required to enter their reading activities in reading records. In bend, instructors must attest these records. Recognition is later given to pupils based on the figure of books they have read and reading activities, such as storytelling, that they have carried out. Other extended reading programmes have besides been implemented over the old ages such as Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading ( USSR ) , ‘Drop Everything and Read ‘ ( DEAR ) and the Book Flood Approach ( Elley and Mangubahi, 1983 as cited in Renandya and Jacobs, 2002 ) . The intent of the programme is that readers read big measures of books and other stuffs in an environment that nurtures a womb-to-tomb reading wont. While much attempt has been put into reading runs and programmes, indicant is that more and more Malaysians are non interested in picking up the wont. Malayan pupils at the third degree have so shown our pupils ‘ hapless respects for reading ( Mohd Sallehudin 1994, as cited in Normah 2004 ) . The recent, Read-a-thon Read2009 was to instill a love for reading and charity among the immature. For the 2nd twelvemonth running, pupils throughout the state late participated in Malaysia ‘s biggest reading endurance contest. This event was organized by Scholastic, the universe ‘s largest publishing house and distributer of kids ‘s books. This twelvemonth ‘s read-a-thon, titled Read2009: One State Reading Together, was supported by the Education Ministry and held in concurrence with its 1Malaysia Reading Camp. Read2009 was a simple name with a large message. Students read recreationally for 2009 seconds ( 33 proceedingss 29 seconds ) . Reading recreationally means that pupils choose a book of their pick, alternatively of regular school text. Students can read independently or together with their schoolmates and instructors. The aim of Read2009 is to instill pupils with a love of reading. The programme emphasizes diversion reading because pupils must be able to tie in good feelings and pleasant memories with their reading experience ; otherwise, it becomes a job. Reading provides a valuable support of linguistic communication and constructions presented in the schoolroom. It besides provides scholars the chance to pattern deducing significances from the context where constructions and vocabulary are unfamiliar. In add-on, it enables the scholar to reproduce mentally and vocally looks and words present in any written signifier. Therefore, consciously or unconsciously the scholar begins to pass on efficaciously, utilizing the cognition acquired through reading. Extensive reading besides provides the scholar an chance to increase his reading velocity, a accomplishment seldom touched upon in the ESL schoolroom. As the pupil is reading for pleasance, opportunities are he will be eager to see what happens following and will therefore attempt to read faster. Furthermore, as the scholar is reading on subjects that involvements him, it increases his motive and gives him a more positive attitude towards the mark linguistic communication. â€Å" To get the wont of reading is to build for yourself a safety from about all the wretchednesss of life. † – W. Somerset Maugham Somewhere after â€Å" lose weight † , â€Å" halt procrastinating † , and â€Å" autumn in love † , â€Å" read more † is one of the top ends that many people set for themselves. And justly so: A good book can be enormously hearty, can learn you about things beyond your day-to-day skylines, and can make characters so vivid you feel as if you truly cognize them.The following are several ways to cultivate reading wont.Set times. Always carry a book. Make a list. Find a quiet topographic point. Reduce television/Internet. Keep a log. Travel to used book stores. Have a library twenty-four hours. Read merriment and compelling books.. Make it enjoyable. Blog it. Set a high end Have a reading hr or reading twenty-four hoursDecisionThe undertaking of reading is accomplished through an interaction of top-down and bottom-up processing. A individual ‘s yesteryear cognition allows text deconstruction but is at the same time added to during the procedure by new information. Becoming a fluid reader involves happening connexions to one ‘s ain life and doing new information portion of one ‘s ain cognition. The development of principled flexible accomplishments that can be applied to different reading undertakings is one of the most effectual things from a reading category. Learners every bit good as instructors can break understand what messages are in a text by analyzing it with a figure of attacks. Schema theory offers insight on the manner cognition is constructed but is far from a complete unveiling of the cryptic procedure of reading. As instructors, it is of import to supply quality reading beginnings that are suitably leveled and of high involvement to kids. Research has shown that when kids are interested in what they read, comprehension improves. In this plan, we have included fiction, nonfiction, and readers ‘ theatre books, literacy centres, online readers, and synergistic reading experiences. We have addressed the edifice blocks of reading direction by supplying readers and related activities that reinforce phonemic consciousness and phonics, vocabulary development, eloquence, and comprehension. And, the stuffs provided to back up these edifice blocks are synergistic and actuating. It has to be said that doing scholars cognizant of the larning schemes they can use to assist them in their reading does look to hold its advantages. The scholars in the present survey by and large performed better after the consciousness raising session and this is apparent in the better sum-ups they provided of Text 2. Si nce this is merely an exploratory survey no far-reaching claims will be made until the scholars concluding tonss for the reading class are obtained. In any instance, the thought that there is an alternate to long-run scheme direction that does non incur much cost or schoolroom hours but can still heighten scholars scheme consciousness is an attractive option to see. Reading is an of import beginning of cognition for those seeking to accomplish eloquence and efficiency in a foreign linguistic communication. However, efficiency in reading is merely possible if the reader is equipped with the appropriate reading accomplishments. In the ESL categories, most of these accomplishments are taught during intensive reading lessons. Learners of the linguistic communication can shortly go efficient reading if they utilize the accomplishments taught to construe the author ‘s purposes and deductions when reading reliable stuffs. The ESL instructor can promote reading wonts among scholars by puting undertakings to complement the reading programme. Ultimately thought, the reader has to pull off on his ain. Motivation besides is one of the cardinal factors that determine the rate and success of scholars ‘ attainment. It provides the chief inducement to originate the acquisition of a foreign linguistic communication and subsequently the finding to con tinue and prolong the long hard acquisition procedure. Without sufficient motive, even persons with the best of abilities can non carry through long-run ends. As we have seen, a developmental model of reading can be forged from the extended research in expertness that chronicles the womb-to-tomb journey toward proficiency that begins with one ‘s first engages with written linguistic communication. We recognize that there are other powerful forces and events in the lives of readers, outside those considered here, that can assist find the destiny of developing readers. However, our focal point here has been on the factors addressed in the expertness literature, and peculiarly in the research on the Model of Domain Learning ( Alexander, 1997 ) . Those factors-knowledge, involvement, and strategies-should be elements of effectual reading plans and school course of study. Within instructor development, the committedness to this lifespan position would besides ensue in certain programmatic accents. For case, there would be expressed attending to the instruction of schemes that underlie reading public presentation. In that manner, instructors would be better able to help their pupils in the development of rich strategic repertories. Further, we would anticipate professional development to aim a scope of narrative and expositive reading stuffs of both a traditional ( e.g. , book ) and non-alternative ( e.g. , Web pages ) nature ; stuffs that pupils are likely to face in and out of school. In add-on, techniques for actuating readers and for integrating their involvements in reading direction would be an built-in portion of instructors ‘ professional development. Possibly most significantly, a concern for the fosterage of rea ding development would no longer be relegated to the early simple classs. Rather, the development of reading would be seen as a duty of all teachers-from preschool through high school.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Conversation Analysis

Conversation Analysis Conversation is absolutely instilled throughout every corner of every day for the totality of our lives. Whether it is on your favorite morning talk show, a casual encounter with a roommate, or admitting an undying love to your significant other, our lives, along with our realities, are entirely shaped by the conversations we allow ourselves to become continually engulfed in.With so much of our daily lives revolving around the conversations in which we are a part of it becomes clear that the underlining meanings, or messages, of these conversations could very well be the motor that keeps our realities in a state of progress. Conversation is interactional, philosophical, emotional, and entirely necessary in order to fulfill and express any type of accomplishment. When these conversations, these parts of our lives, are put under a trained mental microscope with the motive of finding a better understanding of the interaction taking place, it is referred to as Conve rsation Analysis (CA).Conversation Analysis’ method is aimed at determining the methods and resources that the interactional participants use and rely on to produce interactional contributions while also making sense of the contributions of others (Schegloff, 2007). What follows in this essay is an in-depth look at the practices and methods of Conversation Analysis showing that a better understanding of one’s conversation(s) will ultimately lead to a better understanding of one’s reality; while also showing that every utterance fulfilling some kind of act, or task, and is entirely motive driven toward the accomplishment of one of these tasks.Conversation Analysis is the study of social interaction, embracing both verbal and non-verbal cues and conduct. As a field of study, Conversation Analysis was developed in the late 1960’s by Sociologist Harvey Sacks with the help of his associates Emanuel Schegloff and Gail Jefferson. Harvey Sacks is commonly regarde d to as the ‘father’ of the particular study. Conversation Analysis is frequently embodied into the works of sociology, anthropology, linguistics, speech communication, and psychology just to name a few.Although similar, Conversation Analysis differs from Discourse Analysis because its focus is squarely on the processes involved in social interaction, and does not include the work of written texts (Sidnell, 2010). To create an accurate analysis of conversation the interaction should not be viewed from a far or from a perspective that is external to the participants own reasoning and understanding of their circumstances and communication (Sidnell & Stivers, 2012).The analysis in which we are going to use as an example for the remainder of the essay focuses primarily on the functions of turn taking, adjacency pairs, repair, and speech acts; all common perspectives in the field of Conversation Analysis. The format of a conversation can be relatively easy to understand; one party communicates, the remaining parties respond in somewhat of a positive feedback loop; meaning that the feedback loop of the conversational system is continually going around with the addition of new information and new utterances, thus a positive feedback loop.This way of conversation is simply called ‘turn-taking’ implying that it is not a lecture style of communication with primarily one party conducting the conversation, rather an interaction where one party’s conversation is influenced and working together with a separate party’s. After establishing the turn taking method of conversation we are able to take it one step deeper and analyze the chosen utterances. While turn taking the two parties will be exchanging what are called ‘adjacency pairs;’ adjacency pairs are composed of two utterances, one after the other.The first pair provokes a response from the second party, such as: ‘Hello, how are you? † could provoke a resp onse such as: â€Å"Fine, how are you? † That is an adjacency pair. When the conversation fails to provide a relevant response to the pair; for example: If â€Å"Hello, how are you? † were to be responded to with â€Å"My favorite color is purple. † The responder has failed to provide a relevant response and has done what is considered to be a breach of conversational maxim, or the maximum of relevance. If such a breach were to happen one can resort to what is called ‘Repair. Repair is a self-righting mechanism that describes how parties in conversation deal with problems in speaking, hearing, or understanding. If the previous example of â€Å"My favorite color is purple† was said due to a misinterpretation of the required response to repair the conversation they might immediately say, â€Å"Oh, I’m terribly sorry I must have misheard you, I’m doing well how are you? † Lastly, this essay will focus on what are called ‘Spee ch Acts;’ the main goal of the utterance, the underlining message of the conversation.For example, telling someone that you will meet them at 7:00 is creating a commitment, a promise, making an arrangement; it isn’t simply just words pieced together. Speech acts include promising, ordering, responding, greeting, warning, inviting, asking, congratulating, etc. , and are the task in which the conversation is attempting to achieve. These perspectives of conversation analysis are just a few of the many factors that go into the structuring and fulfillment of a successful conversation.Turn taking is one of the easier factors of conversation analysis to point out to one who has yet to gain much experience in the field of communications. In the following transcript T is asking E why he has set up his laptop to record what they are talking about: [0:00 – 0:30] T: Takin’ pics? E: No. I’m just recording what we’re saying. T: Does it matter what we say? E: No, doesn’t matter. T: We can say whatever the f*ck we want? E: Uh-[huh] T: [just like that? ]E: Yeah, haha, we don’t even have to be, like, talking the whole time, just has to be 20 minutes worth of time. T: Soo what is this for? E: I get extra credit for my communications class T: you just get conversation from us? E: uh-huh! haha T: What’s up Commi’s?! This is an example of turn taking because T is not lecturing E about something, he is seeking information from E that is relevant to the conversation, and relevant to T’s reality. The two conversers are using adjacency pairs while speaking to each other in order to keep the onversation flowing in a positive feedback loop, while also not breaching the maxim of relevance. The conversation holds adjacency pairs because the utterances from the two conversing follow one another, and anything E said would not be relevant to the reality of T without T first asking E what was going on with the laptop. T had an underlining task of seeking information through his conversation; he successfully used a Speech Act in order to gain the information in which he sought, thus having a clearer understanding of his reality at the time of the conversation.Repair comes into a conversation when the feedback loop of those conversing becomes skewed; a misunderstanding of an utterance from one party to another can alter the outcome and flow of the conversation until the party that misunderstood an utterance and altered the feedback of the conversation has done repair work to reposition the conversation back into a positive feedback loop. The example in the transcript comes into play when E walks into T and J’s room when J is trying to study.E realizes that his presence in the conversation that T and J were having about the material they were studying is beginning to interrupt the flow of their conversation. E begins his repair work to the conversation: [12:00-13:47] J: I’m going to g o study T: good old study sesh J: You can leave that in our room if you want, while we study haha E: I’ll walk back and fourth (p 3. 0) Did you end up selling those clubs dude? T: Yeah, Yogi bought them E: Dam[n] T: [It would] have been a good deal E: (p 8. 0] Connor how was your day?C: Sick! I did a lot of studying. Now I’m helping out with some extra credit J: Excellent! E: Your day was excellent Jack? J: No! my day was pretty shitty, shitty. E: haha (p 7. 0) You want this door closed? J: Yeah, thanks. E: alright sorry guys, peace J: Give him an A! E: I need an A! haha bye guys Once E realizes that his two roommates, T and J, are studying and that he has interrupted their concentration with the video on the lap top he begins to start the repair process of the conversation, and his present reality.E realizes that he shouldn’t be intruding on T and J and by uttering ‘Do you guys want this door closed† he is implying that the interruption is understoo d and he is going to repair the situation by leaving them alone and closing the door on his way out. The repair work is understood by J and he thanks E for the notion and sends him off by telling the camera that E should get an A for his extra credit work that was mentioned in the previous transcription.Repair work is vital to a misunderstanding in a conversation, if a situation arises where repair work is needed but goes unnoticed, the misunderstanding of the conversation will lead to a further misunderstanding of the present reality. Speech acts are the underlining meanings of our conversation; they are the tasks in which we are trying to fulfill through our interaction. Speech acts can be broken down into three categories: locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts.Locutionary is the actual utterance and its phonetic meaning, ilocutionary is its intended significance, and perlocutionary is the actual effect on the conversation and present reality. In the following transc ript E goes back into T and J’s room to try and find information about golf clubs. He is not just trying to strike up a conversation; he is seeking information and is attempting to accomplish a task: [16:47 – 19:30] E: Jack do you have any old golf clubs? J: Naah, only the ones I use. E: Does Nick? J: Nope. E: fuckT: John has old ones, but they’re pretty nice. And I don’t think, I can [ask him] E:[Yeah, if he’s looking to sell them] E: definitely let me know, ‘cause I’m trying to go. T: If he does I can definitely let you know. E: awesome thanks, I’m trying to go. The locutionary meaning of E’s utterance is easy to understand; he is seeking a way to buy golf clubs from his roommates if they happen to have an old set. The illocutionary in this particular example matches the meaning of the locutionary as its intended significance is to find some new golf clubs.The actual effect on the conversation, the perlocutionary act, c auses J and T to respond to E with their answers, as it would be in their better interest to sell some old golf clubs. E uses speech acts to try and acquire the information in which he sought. The topic of golf clubs did not just happen to come up in conversation, but was purposely brought into the realities of T and J by E through E’s search for information. Speech acts revolve around every conversation and interaction taking place throughout our lives.Even in random day-to-day gossip speech acts are the motor that drive these interactions in a forward motion of gaining new information. When one better understands the underlining meanings of the conversations throughout their day there is no doubt that that better understanding of communication leads directly to a better understanding of one’s reality. Our realities are entirely shaped by and understood through the words in which we use to describe them.The motives behind our interactions are what shapes the conversat ions into what they become; whether we are trying to be humorous and crack a joke, give a serious speech, show empathy toward someone, argue our opinions back and fourth, or seeking information these certain motives are what craft our interactions with one another. When one better understands these motives they will better understand their conversation, have a better understanding of how to accomplish tasks through their conversation, and ultimately lead to a better understanding of one’s present reality. ReferencesSchegloff, E. (2007). Sequence organization in interaction: A primer in conversation analysis, volume 1. Retrieved from http://www. sscnet. ucla. edu/soc/faculty/schegloff/pubs/index. php (Schegloff, 2007). Sidnell, J. (2010). Conversation analysis: An introduction. Retrieved from http://individual. utoronto. ca/jsidnell/OverviewResearch. html (Sidnell, 2010). Sidnell, J. , & Stivers, T. (2012). handbook of conversation analysis. boston: Wiley-blackwell.. Retrieved from http://media. wiley. com/product_data/excerpt/82/14443320/1444332082-12. pdf (Sidnell & Stivers, 2012)

Ethics in Healthcare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethics in Healthcare - Research Paper Example p.43; Rae, 2000. p. 15). In other words, ethics are those values and principles which are highly essential for identifying personal or professional activities within or outside organizations. Keeping this view in mind, the UMH has developed vision and certain values that are normally practiced by staff and management of the UMH. In this regard, it is important to mention that certain medical ethical principles have also been included in the paper for the purpose of understanding and evaluating their practical application with the values which are being pursued and implemented by the management of UMH. The University of Miami Health (UMH) has both vision and mission for delivering quality health care services to patients. The mission of the UMH is to provide high-calibre health care facility, make advances through applied research in medicine and deliver medical education to the next generation and subsequently contribute to healthier world (About Us, 2014). In addition, the UMS has developed and practised certain values: excellence, compassion, discovery, collaboration and leadership (About Us, 2014). These values separately address the different expectations and requirements of stakeholders (i.e. patients, hospital management, staff members, regulators and wider social community). For example, the excellence and compassion values are patient-specific in which patient’s medical, physical, psychological and emotional needs and expectations are addressed and satisfied as well while the leadership value is related to retention of the quality staff members and medical professi onals (About Us, 2014). The ethical principles and objectives of the UMH are closely related. For example, providing high-calibre health care cannot be carried out without having full understanding of beneficence. More clearly, if a patient requires treatment for allergy, it is highly required that the health care provider must diagnose the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Contracts As a Common Phenomenon in the Business Sector Case Study

Contracts As a Common Phenomenon in the Business Sector - Case Study Example Formalities required by law have been reduced and currently, only a few formalities get required. Formalities on signing of deals and putting contracts in writing have been abolished. This has made contracting easier as parties have less legal processes involved when making such contracts. This means that oral agreements are acceptable. However, contracting in this way can be disadvantageous as parties can misinterpret, misunderstand or misremember the terms of the contract (Howells & Schulze 2009, pp.125). In a case where the agreement gets made over the telephone, the terms of the agreements should be put in writing for clear future references. Oral agreements should be summarized in writing to protect the terms of the contract from misinterpretation. In the case provided, some of the agreements made got reached over the phone. It could have been advisable that John puts such an agreement in writing. The law further provides for cases when a contract must be put in writing. This includes a case where a contract contains a guarantee. In John’s case, the agreement did not contain any guarantee. Putting the terms of the agreements in writing was, therefore, not necessary. There are several advantages that come with putting the terms of an agreement in writing. One such advantage is that formal writing is less prone to manipulation and misinterpretation as it is the case with oral agreements. When parties put their agreement in writing, copies can be made and preserved by both parties. Both parties get obliged to follow these agreements. Another advantage is that written agreements have the option of including signatures which commit the parties to that agreement (Howells & Schulze 2009, pp.125). However, considering the nature of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Satisfaction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Satisfaction - Research Paper Example â€Å"The workforce in the health sector has specific features that cannot be ignored and motivation can play an integral role in many of the compelling challenges facing healthcare today† (Lambrou, Kontodimopoulos, and Niakas, 2010). The manager of the hospital or the health care center assumes the prime responsibility for keeping the nurses satisfied, because the performance of the organization as a whole is directly linked with the individualistic and collective performance of the nurses. This research was conducted with an intention of identifying ways to satisfy the nurses. Patient care is one of the most sensitive tasks that need to be dealt with immense delicacy and prudence because it not only involves dealing with people’s emotions along with taking care of their health but also has the potential to affect the public image of the hospital or the health care center for better or worse depending upon the quality of patient care delivered in it. Among the issues a manager of a hospital or a health care center is exposed to, two of the prime issues include late arrival of nurses, and shortage of nurses when they are needed on urgent basis. The patient care is scheduled and everything works according to a plan. In such circumstances, late arrival of nurses disturbs the schedule which causes the issues of time management to surface. At the end of the day, this behavior of nurses incurs the hospital many indirect costs, which reduce the profitability of business. On the other hand, shortage of nurses when they are needed on urgent basis is very dep ressing for the managers and administrators and it also brings a bad name to the organization. Rewarding the employees is fundamental to help them maintain a high self-esteem at the work place and keep their motivation for work high, and the same rule applies on the nurses. Nurses need to be rewarded in order to be satisfied enough to deliver their best

Friday, July 26, 2019

Issues in Global Business and Strategic Concepts Essay - 1

Issues in Global Business and Strategic Concepts - Essay Example In this paper, the proponent provides the necessary recommendations for the government to consider in order continue expand Australia’s leading role in mineral extraction in the world. Keywords: mining, mineral extraction, Australia Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 Introduction 3 Industry Gross Value Added 4 The Value of Exports 5 Operating Profit Before Tax 6 Mineral Production 7 Assessment of Mineral Extraction to Australia’s Economy 8 Domestic Issues 8 International Issues 9 Conclusion/Recommendations 10 References 12 Appendices 14 Introduction One cannot deny the fact that Australia is one of the countries with largest mineral extraction industries in the world today. It holds abundant supply of natural resources allowing it to generate a great opportunity to supply the world market as it is capable of providing affordable minerals of its own and efficient than other producers. This places Australia in the point of absolute advantage (Zhang, 2008). Furthermore, this sets Australia in the position to possibly be the unbeatable leading player in the global mineral commodities in the long run. This maximizes its potential to comparative advantage (Mudd, 2010). This information must be specifically appealing to the Australian Government, because in totality this has significant impact on its economic growth and development. Recently, Australia has continuously gained investor confidence because of its competitive business climate as revealed through its surging high foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow which doubles over five years to 2012 (Australian Trade Commission, 2013). This report is presented to the Australian Government which provides the actual assessment of the contribution of mineral extraction activity to Australia’s economy, and consideration of domestic and international issues that need to be addressed in order to maintain and expand Australia’s current position as the leading producer and exporter of minerals such as iron ore, coal and gold. The implications of these issues for Australia’s future are also included. Therefore, the work at hand provides the remarkable economic figures that will present the actual data prior to the analysis and assessment of the contribution of mineral extraction to Australia’s economy. In addition, the prevailing domestic and international issues that at some point may have strong contributions to the actual capacity of Australia to maintain its current position as a leading producer and exporter of minerals will also provide the bases of the actual recommendation for the Australian Government. Industry Gross Value Added Industry gross value added (GVA) is the contribution of an industry to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2012), the total production of Australia’s Mining Industry as measured by the GVA showed a positive direction from year 1989 until 2010, which was clear ly indicated by increased of 6% between 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, a double increase of percentage between 1989-1990 and 2009-2010. As shown in Figure 1 in the Appendices, the graph taken from the site of Australian Bureau of Statistics shows the actual GVA of Australia’s Mining Industry in terms of volume. The information in Figure 1 reveals not just about the volume of production, but the associated positive

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Managing Conflicts in Organizations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Managing Conflicts in Organizations - Term Paper Example It would not be unfair to say that conflict is inevitable amongst human beings. The constant struggle to get hold of status, resources, power etc amongst humans often results in a form of social interaction called conflict. Thus, conflict can formally be defined as: â€Å"A process which begins when an individual or group perceives differences and opposition between itself and another individual or group about interests and resources, beliefs, values, or practices that matter to them.† (Digirolamo) In the same way that conflicts are inevitable in everyday life, they are also inevitable in organizations. Especially in modern organizations wherein factors such as constant change, employee diversity, team based structures etc make conflict an ever-present. Conflict, however, is not necessarily a bad thing and can help get the best out of individuals within the organizations. Organizations must therefore make sure that they do not discourage conflict but rather manage it smartly s o that it can work to its advantage. Thus, conflict can be looked at in different ways in organizations: Conflict as war – When parties treat conflict as a must-win war. Conflict as opportunity – When parties use the conflict as an opportunity to be more creative, to grow and to improve on what they already are. Conflict as journey – When parties use the conflict as a search for common ground. The first view of conflict is a win-lose situation. Such a situation is not good for the organization in any way because such conflict is destructive. The other two views on the other hand are constructive in nature and are desirable for organizations because they create win-win situations and help the organization get the best out of its employees. (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2008). Organizations should therefore make sure that its employees treat conflict in the right manner and it is for this purpose that they employ conflict management practices. Conflict management practices involve many different strategies which can be used by organizations to manage conflicts effectively. Some of these strategies are discussed below. The first technique that managers can use is fostering functional conflict. Functional conflict can be defined as the kind of conflict which is beneficial to the organization’s interest. (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2008) Managers looking to infuse their decision making teams with creativity and passion very often look towards stimulating functional conflict. There are two ways of doing this. The first method is to fan the naturally arising conflicts between different parties. This method, however, is very unreliable and may end up stimulating dysfunctional conflict. The other method is to employ programmed conflict. Programmed conflict can be defined as â€Å"conflict that raises different opinions regardless of what the managers personally feel about the issue.† This method requires disciplined role playing by everyone involved (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2008). The two best methods of programmed conflict are devil’s advocacy and dialectic decision method. Devil’s Advocacy is the technique in which someone is assigned the role of a critic and is told to air all possible objections to an idea. (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2008). Dialectic Decision Method simply requires fostering a debate of opposing points of views prior to making a decision in order to better understand the whole issue (Kreitner &

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cyberstalking Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cyberstalking - Term Paper Example This particular research report intends to demonstrate a deep analysis and understanding about a particular theory along with practice relating to cyberlaw. In this regard, the perception of cyberstalking has been taken into concern. Cyberstalking can be termed as the execution of internet and its associated components for the purpose of harassing or stalking a person or certain groups. The components might embrace instant messaging (IM) and Internet Protocols (IPs) among others. The practice of cyberstalking can be regarded as one of the critical aspects as it imposes unfavorable impact upon the society by a greater level. For the completion of this project, the factors relating to the discrepancies along with the advantageous points relating to cyberstalking will be highlighted upon. The laws that have been formulated against cyberstalking are duly set to punish the offenders or to penalize those individuals associated with the practice of cyberstalking (Milhorn, 2007). B) Backgrou nd The topic of the study focuses on cyberstalking and its effects on various users of internet. Cyberstalking has been viewed to be one of the most widely practiced activities in the world of internet nowadays. It is frequently practiced by different types of hackers and cyber criminals. However, there are numerous laws that have been formulated as well as exploited by national along with international laws for penalizing the offenders. It is to be affirmed that the concept of cyberstalking is a much broader concept as the whole of the internet medium is related with it. It may provide with a great deal of challenge to study the overall theories related to cyberstalking. There are numerous issues that are needed to be dealt with while dealing with the significant concern of cyberstalking. Facing these issues will lead to a source of learning and knowledge gathering which is quite important. For the completion of this project successfully, a deep analysis about the concept of cybers talking is needed to be conducted along with proper identification of the problems associated with it. However, the concept of cyber stalking is bound to derive many advantages to the internet world. The laws concerning cyberlaw should be widely supported as with the proper lawful measures, the rising problem concerning the increase of cyber stalking can be lowered. This would prove to be a great aid for minimizing the rates of cyber crimes. As cyber stalking represents conduct of several malicious practices, the laws are specially formed to disrupt such practices by a greater level (Bocij, 2004). C) Inadequacies There are various types of challenges that may arise while analyzing the current traits and practices of cyberstalking. Hacking specialists along with cyber criminals often play their roles in a very skillful manner. Investigating teams are required to trace their internet activities in an effective manner. A lot of technical expertise is demanded to have a clear understand ing of the various activities of the offenders. Highly trained professionals are required for checking all kinds of activities related to cyber crimes (Janczewski & Colarik, 2008). The internet age is designed in such a way that people tends to share their personal information very quickly. It can be affirmed from a broader outlook that sharing personal information eventually paves the way for the happening of the activities associated with cyberstalking. As the use of internet is becoming drastically popular in this present day context, it is becoming quite difficult for the people to stop themselves from exchanging personal information over the internet with unknown people. This particular trend is ultimately leading the way towards causing the activities relating to cyberstalking by a greater level. In order to determine the inadequacies relating to the context of cyberstalking, certain crucial factors can be recognized that imposes significant impact upon controlling the ill eff ects of cyberstalking.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Development, impacts, implications of a contemporary political movment Essay

Development, impacts, implications of a contemporary political movment for change (Environmentalism) - Essay Example The beginnings of an environmental crisis which looms large over the world can perhaps be traced to the Industrial Revolution in Europe which led to natural resources being used, often indiscriminately, for the purpose of scientific progress (Reynolds, A Brief History of Environmentalism, n.dd). At a parallel level, European colonies in Asia, Africa and Latin America were also subjected to much ecological damage for industrial growth. Though Henry David Thoreau pioneered environmentalist thinking in the USA, it was John Muir who laid the foundation of the Sierra Club in 1892 through which the government received ample financial aid for it to undertake wilderness conservation measures (Reynolds, n.d.). The emergence of environmental activists such as Wangari Mathai from Kenya shows that environmental concerns cannot be divorced from an engagement with the imbalances of power engendered by colonialism. In contemporary times ecocriticism has become an integral part of most academic disc iplines. It has been particularly influential in the field of postcolonial studies where scholars have found a close connection between the discursive and economic power wielded by the West and the environmental damage inflicted by Western nations upon the nations of the Third World. The first breakthrough in American environmentalism came with Rachel Carson’s work Silent Spring (1962) which spoke of the impact of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), a commonly used pesticide on the environment. The work created immediate controversies and numerous American industrialists clamoured for its ban, accusing the author of baseless indictments. However, the work caused enough stir for President John F Kennedy to order a thorough investigation into its claims. The research revealed the hugely detrimental effect that DDT had not merely upon the physical environment but also on human health since it was commonly used as an agricultural pesticide. Following this the use of DDT was ba nned in the USA (Lear x-xi). This is an important episode in the history of environmentalism for it fortified American environmentalist movement besides proving the efficacy of protest movements led by seemingly politically disempowered individuals against multinational conglomerates. It is a sad fact that even today, several countries continue to use DDT and many such pesticides. These continue to affect the lives of millions of people and their health even today. The reasons for this can be traced to the lobbying power of the corporate firms that produce these pesticides and the lack of civic action on the part of the citizens of these nations. This can be remedied to an extent through the spread of awareness of environmental issues. In short, the issue of environmentalism needs to extend its reach to these nations in order for it to be an effective tool. In the 1970s began the era of international cooperation on the subject of ecological conservation, the manifestation of which w as the Earth Summits summoned by the United Nations. The first among these was held in Stockholm in 1972 and was titled â€Å"UN Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm† (â€Å"Earth Summit,† The United Nations Official Website n.p.). These forums of international debate and discussion have laid bare not merely the urgent need to incorporate the

Equity and Debt Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Equity and Debt - Assignment Example The advantages of choosing equity financing reveal the compelling reasons why AMSC management felt the need to adopt floating shares in the market. Firstly, equity financing allowed the company to obtain a long-term relationship with investors ready to commit money in the company’s projects. Such an arrangement avoids short-term risks where the financial security offered by the funding party comes to an end after some time, such as in a loan agreement. Similarly, most investors in equity deals have preferences in the choice of projects to invest in, which attracts professional entrepreneurs. In this regard, equity relationships have safer business linkages by pulling passionate investors who add value in terms of business succession. Another advantage of equity financing relates to the overall reduction in outward cash-flow challenges that shrink liquidity. As opposed to debt financing, equity financing adds money to the business in the long-term, thereby reducing outflow challenges. Evans and Mellen (2010) noted a closely related advantage that touches on the long-term outcomes of additional investment without repayment obligations, which increases chances of growth. The long-term element of the equity relationship secures the growth prospects of a business as opposed to a debt that requires fixed repayment periods. Similarly, the investor bears the risk element of the investment made, which reduces the pressure of compulsory liability as seen in debt financing. The sharing outcomes of the partnership and shared ownership raises the confidence of the equity arrangement in facing risks. From these advantages, the management could have found grounds to make a decision to on engaging shareholders. As mentioned, equity financing also presents a fair share of disadvantages emanating from the opportunity cost against debt financing and other sources of capital. Firstly, equity financing implies

Monday, July 22, 2019

William Blake Poems Essay Example for Free

William Blake Poems Essay Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience appears to be very simplistic on first reading. Explain how the poems are in fact a much more complex exploration of Blakes beliefs and times. William Blake was born in London in 1757. He was home educated and was part of the upper working class as his father was a hosier. He was sent to a drawing school and was a dissenting Christian. His Christian beliefs are reflected in several of his poems. Blake became married in 1783 and married for love rather than money and status. To understand his poems fully we first need to understand what the titles of his two major sets of poetry mean. Innocence in the terms of Blakes poetry is a person who has very little experience and does not know about the bad things that happen in life-Quoted from the Dictionary. Immediately a link is made between the songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Experience on the other hand means (the process of getting) knowledge or skill which is obtained from doing, seeing or feeling things-Quoted from the Dictionary. These two themes are explored significantly within the poems. During Blakes time in London he saw many different movements and ideas develop such as a revolution in America where a group of British Colonies decided to rebel against Britain in their chance to gain independence. When the victory of this was won America and its allies of France and Spain went to war against Great Britain. Blake used this amongst other themes as the base for his poetry, and because of this he is associated with the Romantic poets even though he was not classed as a Romantic. Another main theme at the time was the use of seven year olds as chimney sweeps. Young boys were used because hard tar often got caught up in the chimney which a brush could not dislodge. To send a boy up was the easiest way to get rid of it and the flexible undeveloped body made it easy. They were often caught in the chimneys and many became cripples and got suit filled lungs. In London alone there were over 1000 sweeps. Blake uses this as one of the topics for both Songs of Experience and Inn ocence. In his two poems The Chimney Sweeper he utilises several literary techniques to create a successful poem. In The Chimney Sweeper (Innocence) Blake uses sorrowful imagery to create an atmosphere of anger and pain, my father sold me while yet my tongue shows just how young the boys were when they sold into the apprenticed with a master sweep. The repetition of, weep!, meant to be sweep which adds to the words meaning because it links the job of the child with his sorrow and also creates an atmosphere of rhythm of a brush going up and down within the chimney. On the other hand in The Chimney Sweeper (Experience) the boy is not introduced by his father but by a description of himself as a black thing amongst the snow which sounds as something discarded and dehumanises him. In this case snow is not used for peace and purity but for cold and harshness. The colour opposites of white snow and black dirty boy are another literacy technique of comparative representation by descriptive contrast. Weep is also used in this version but the words are described as being criedin notes of woe! This links directly to sadness and cruelty rather than being hidden inside the verse as is shown in Songs of Innocence. Religion is brought into this by the parents going to church to pray which also illustrates the normalness of their lives compared to their sons and highlights their hypocrisy. This is due to them being all good by going to Church and yet they are sending their son to work at such a young age and are almost bringing upon his fate of an unhappy life. In the second verse in the Innocence version the boys head curled like a lambs back which links to the symbolism of the lamb being the son of God which is one of the main themes in another poem from Songs of Innocence the Lamb. The Lamb is a prime example of innocence imagery because it is used in such a context as to promote the idea that the lamb symbolises not only pastoral imagery but Christ as the lamb of God. The boys hair is described as white to represent purity and innocence but then colour imagery is used to emphasise dark and light, good and bad. In The Chimney Sweeper (Experience) the boys appearance is described yet in a different way to that of the innocence poem, his health is described first as happy but this is talked about in the past tense. Blake is touching on the illnesses Chimney Sweepers got, such as cancer. His clothes are then described metaphorically as Clothes of death which when put into context of the work he was doing tells the reader that the clothes he is wearing to work symbolise his status and remind the reader that this job was very hazardous and also is describing the soot on his body. This again links into the poem The lamb where the clothes are described as Softest clothing woolly bright which has no indication of death by of life. This shows the difference between life and death as in most Chimney Sweepers lives death came upon them unnaturally quickly. Some children that were not put into the trade of chimney sweeping then they would instead be educated (if their parents possessed the money) and if not the children were sent to Charity schools. These were schools that were established by mainly religious organisations and were used to educate children until they could be put into a trade. These schools were often cruel institutions. Blake uses the subject of Charity Schools for one of his sets of poems entitled Holy Thursday. The title Holy Thursday comes from the British celebration of Jesus ascension. In the first line (of the Innocence version) it mentions the children who were in this school as having innocent faces clean showing immediately that Blake found them to be innocent. The second line has a Bible reference to Noahs ark; the children walking two two makes them sound more like animals and is also reminding the reader that just like Noahs animals they were the future of Blakes Britain. It also signifies that they were the future of the world as were the animals in Noahs ark. From his poems we can somewhat assume that Blake found Charity schools to be a money making scheme. This is proved by his view on the so called religious people who ran the schools. In the second line the masters are described as having wands as white as snow which shows them as having power because although white is generally used to show innocence in this case the word snow contradicts this as Blake often used snow to symbolise cold, dark and evil ambitions and scenarios. London is also mentioned in the first verse by the high dome of Pauls and the Thames water which in those days was very dirty, but was an integral part of London as were the children. Blake uses religious imagery within the innocence version quite a bit towards the end. A mighty wind[raised] to heaven, is used to create an idea based around the childrens voices as if they were crying so loud that heaven could hear them. The owners are described as wise guardians, which is ironic and patronising as Blake actually is meaning that they are horrible and cruel and have no knowledge what so ever. In the experience version of Holy Thursday Blake puts forwards different ideas. He starts off by talking about the fruitful children which are then reduced to misery. This symbolises them coming into the schools cheerful and full of happiness and then being shafted out woeful. The representation of children to money is also used by calling them rich. This has been used to remind the reader that Blake saw the owners of these schools as money hungry and the only reason they did it was for the money. In the second verse Blake talks of the feelings of the children as trembling [cries], the meaning of this is to show that the children were desperate as they were children poor?. Pastoral imagery is used in this version not to represent innocence to the destruction of innocence via experience Field are bleak and bare. This shows that after the schools the children had lost their innocence, stripped of it, and there was and is nothing they could do about it, It is eternal winter there shows the eternal evil within the schools. From this anger of London via the chimney sweeps and charity schools we find even more anger within Blakes poem A Poison Tree. This poem expresses Blakes anger and hatred for things in general. The last verse of this poem sums up what happened to the innocence of the children And into my garden stole-It had been stolen. A Poison Tree is another poem from Blakes Songs of Experience. It follows a different rhyming pattern compared to other poems written by Blake. It uses the rhyming patter a,a, b,b whereas other poems generally used a,b,a,b. This change in rhyme immediately hits the reader and also makes the poem more alive with passion due to the flow of the rhythm. The first lines holds a contradiction I was angry with my friend, it forces the reader to ask the question of why the person is angry with their friend, it insights them to read on. It talks of how the person in the poem tell his friend why he is angry with him and because of this [his] wrath did end. On the other hand when it comes to being ,angry with [his]..foe, he did not say anything and so the ,wrath did grow. The meaning of this first verse is to try and show that by keeping anger hidden within other things it does not diminish but grows. This links in to what Blake was doing. He did not openly express his views but concealed his anger within his poetry. The second verse talks of tears and smiles these two opposites show split personality. The meaning of the tears is the water that the Poison tree was given and the smiles are the sun. This contradiction makes the tree slowly grow ,both day and night. This idea of growth relates to children growing up but being fed with the wrong views which means that they can turn out evil. This view of the, finished product, is shown when the tree bore and apple. The apple signifies the apple in Genesis and the evil of the world was concealed in this apple. Maybe Blake is trying to say the God was wrong to conceal the evil within one thing and that from it more evil has occurred which is true. The last link to religion links into Blakes poem The Echoing Green from Songs of Innocence which shows a completely different view of the world. This poem also follows the same rhyming pattern of A Poison Tree which once again gives it more flow and rhythm. When read, the poem has a sort of Sing song feel to it which goes along with the happiness expressed within the poem. It talks of change from innocence to experience. In the second verse Blake talks about a monk Old John and then links him to experience with White hair. The white described in this verse is a pure white which shows that Blake is not totally against experience. There is alot of repetition in this poem with, bells, symbolising religious festivals such as Christmas which tells the reader a little about Blakes religious life. The repetition emphasis this and makes the reader take it in. Blake also links children with pastoral imagery, girls and boys were seen One the Echoing Green which is used as another way of expres sing that the children are innocent. This idea of pastoral imagery is also shown in two of Blakes most famous poems The Lamb and The Tyger. In these two poems Blake uses several imagery techniques. In The Lamb he puts forwards the idea of nature via Stream and Oer the mead. The idea of nature links into innocence and the fact that the countryside is un-poisoned as it has not been influence by the hammer, Chain and furnace mentioned in The Tyger which symbolises the industrial revolution which is William Blakes view on experience altering innocence. William Blake links the industrial revolution with the, forests of the night [and] hand or eye, which is imagery of humans and shadows. As William Blake was a devout Christian in his own way he includes God in his poem of The Lamb. In fact God is included in the name of his poem as Jesus was the lamb of God. Blake uses assonance to create subtle rhyming in which the reader can pick up over time. Softest clothing is an example of this. The subtle link adds to the effect of beauty that the Softest clothing creates. The use of this adds meaning to the poem because clothing is used to cover people and so William Blake might be trying to say that by covering your true self you are loosing the innocence of individuality. Another effect used in The Lamb is the fact that there is not much punctuation. This surprisingly creates a weird flowing nursery rhyme effect. On the other hand in The Tyger lots of somewhat harsh punctuation is used to create a pounding rhyme which inspires the reader to imagine the atmosphere of machinery. The reason for the mis-spelling of tiger is because Blake was self taught. This is a good example of differences in class at the time of William Blake. The poems from Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience have more meaning than the reader might first imagine due to mainly the events that were surrounding their author William Blake at the time of their writing. By the harsh reality of London at that time Blake incorporates the Chimney sweeps, Charity schools, London in general and the industrial revolution into his poems. He does not openly state what each poem is about but within in writing we can pick up on ideas and themes that influenced him to write these poems. While reading these poems people pick up on the things happening at the time due to the detail in which they are described in poetry. These poems are not just poems, they are more like Blakes autobiography on his life through the form of media he liked best, poetry.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Enumerating Identical Skyline Prospects

Enumerating Identical Skyline Prospects ABSTRACT We took the problem of enumerating the skyline for uncertain data sets with N elements. We are introducing a method, called skyline, which returns the objects that are not overruled by any other objects in some aspects on a multi-dimensional space. We present probabilistic skyline model where probabilities for uncertain data sets are calculated. If we have ak-dimensional data set, an entityxdominates another entityyif it is better than or equal toyin all aspects and prominent thanyin at least one aspect. We also used k-dominant skyline algorithm in order to retrieve top k-data objects which are dominating the other objects in the skyline. Skyline Queries are also place one of the most prominent role in the skyline computation. While the existing system only focused on dominance tests only, but we need to consider another aspect called Incomparability between Entities, this trait plays major role in enhancing the skyline computation method. In this we will develop a frame work for mul ti criteria decision making system, through this frame work we can analyze Sates involved in enumerating skyline. To inquire incomparability and dominance in between two entities we need to construct tree structured patterns, Z-curves and Z-trees are used in this inquisition. This paper revisits the routine Pivot selection based algorithm in order to optimize the solution space, through this algorithm we can retrieve a minimal data set based on multiple scenarios for a given threshold. CONTENTS TERM PAPER REPORT FORMAT Staple Binding using Transparencies white No. of pages : 35-45 Font: Times new roman Line spacing 1.5† Text size: Chapter name size- 14 small bold Main heading -14 All caps Bold Sub heading- 12 Small bold Text body-12 small alignment: justify margin: Left -1.5† Right-1† Top-1† Bottom-1† table numbering: eg: Table 1.1 table name figure eg: figure 1.1:Description of the figure header : Term Paper name (left) page numbers(right) font size -8 ,italics gray color footer : college name(left) dept name(right) font size -8 ,italics gray color Algorithms or pseudo-code are often presented in papers. Unless your subject matter deals explicitly with a particular language, pseudo-code is advised. Algorithms must be presented is a clear, readable format with lots of comments. If possible, use a typewriter-style font (the â€Å"tt† font in LaTex, for example). Page order: Cover page, Contents, abstract, Type of paper Abstract: Give the overall view of the paper. Three hundred word summary of your paper that appears at the beginning of the paper that includes Scope: That at which one aims which is purposed to be reached or accomplished. Objectives: State main objectives. (What you will investigate? Why?) Describe methods. (What you will do?) Summarize the most important results. (What you will find out?) State major conclusions and significance. (What do the results mean? So what?) Introduction Prerequisites: Describe the Keywords given in the paper. Describe concepts required to comprehend the paper. Some material with diagrams should be enclosed with explanation Literature Survey: Literature survey is the documentation of a comprehensive review of the published and unpublished work from secondary sources data in the area of your paper that describes current research. Give Literature survey on at least 15 references Problem Statement/Description: This section provides specific details about the problem. What is the crux of the research problem? Existing Solution: What are the existing solutions and methodologies available? Detailed explanation should be given with diagrams. What are some alternative approaches to address the research problem? Existing methods, Algorithms and Architectures should be enclosed. Give at least 3 existing solutions. Proposed Approach and Methodology: (with diagrams) Describes the methodology of the solution or the steps to solve the problem. What are the claimed contributions of the paper? How do the authors substantiate their claims? Describe methods, Describe Algorithms, Describe Architectures and Some material with diagrams should be enclosed Conclusions and Future Work Summarize the paper, draw conclusions about the proposed solution, and chart future directions of the research. How can the research results be improved? Can the research results be applied to another context? What are the open problems raised by this work? Describe results of experiments References Budd, T. (1997b), An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, 2nd edn, Addison-Wesley. Ghezzi, C., Jayazeri, M. Mandrioli, D. (1998), Fundamentals of Software Engineering, 2nd edn,Prentice-Hall. K. Appel and W. Haken. (1976), Every Planar Map is 4-colorable, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 82, pp. 711-712 Appendices Enclose your Research Paper

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysis Of Terrorism On The African Continent Politics Essay

Analysis Of Terrorism On The African Continent Politics Essay As the Middle East continues to be the primary spotlight of international attention in the American-led War on Terror, it is easy to overlook the fact that the most extreme terrorist attacks adjacent to 9/11 all took place in Africa. (BRON) Since the atrocities of 9/11, there has been a significant change in the United States (US) foreign policy towards the African continent, a progression that has been hastened by the demands of the War on Terror. The development away from the American hands off attitude to Africa has had a striking impact on human security on the continent. Yet, the imperative effects of the shift in the American foreign policy towards Africa to prevent and suppress the threat of terrorism and improve human security levels on the continent are an unexplored area of research. To create a base of knowledge on this topic, this paper examines the impact of the War on Terror on human security in Africa. The focus of research is put on the two major American military ope rations in Africa since 2002: the Horn of Africa Combined Joint Task Force (HOACJTF) and the Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI). The successfulness of the War on Terror in Africa is indicated in the evaluation of the decrease in the number of terrorist incidents on the African continent and the improvement of the Human Development Index (HDI) of the Africans nations during these operations. The War on Terror has succeeded to improve national security on the African continent by the active promotion of democracy, peace and stability through the Horn of Africa Combined Joint Task Force and the Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative. If the September 11 attacks would not have taken place, then-President George W. Bush would arguably never have made an official visit to the African countries of Nigeria, Uganda, Botswana, South Africa, and Senegal in July 2003 the first visit by a sitting Republican president to the African continent. At the very least, the attacks of 9/11 added necessity to his visit. Moments before his departure, Bush acknowledged that many African governments have the will to fight the war on terror we will give them the tools and the resources to win [this] war.(Quote Bush) According to United States National Security Strategy of September 2002, 9/11 taught the United States that weak states can pose as great a danger to our national interests as strong states. Poverty does not make poor people into terrorists and murderers. Yet poverty, weak institutions, and corruption can make weak states vulnerable to terrorist networks and drug cartels within their borders. After 9/11, U.S. focus on terrorism in Africa became much more pronounced. For the first time since 1993, the United States deployed a sizeable contingent of American troops on the continent with the establishment of the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa The Horn of Africa is Africas bridge to the Middle East. Quietly the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa has emerged as Americas most productive post-9/11 alliance. Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa focuses its efforts on conducting unified action in the combined joint operations area of the Horn of Africa to prevent conflict, promote tourism as well as regional stability, and protect Coalition interests in order to prevail against extremism. At the time, the Operation also have several peacekeeping missions in Sudan and Somalia. Since the start of the operation in 2002, the Task Force has succeeded to promote good governance throughout the region by strengthening diplomatic understanding of the area of and increasing support to those countries that already play a key role in counterterrorism operations, but that suffer from poor employment, education, and social services. At the same time, Though the US presence is essential for the stability of the Horn, the Horn states themselves prove to be successful in resolving the regional threats- particularly the al Qaeda terrorist threat- that are essential to providing confidence among Horn states. Another operation that has played a pivotal role promoting human security is the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI). Much like the Horn of Africa Operation the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Initiative, or TSCTI, has exceeded the expectations of the participant countries and those of American military planners. The Initiative is an interagency plan by the United States government, combining efforts by both civil and military agencies, to combat terrorism in Trans-Saharan Africa. The goal of Initiative is to counter terrorist influences in the region and assist governments to better control their territory and to prevent huge tracts of largely deserted African territory from becoming a safe haven for terrorist groups. The Operation officially started in, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, but Current membership includes eleven African countries: The goal of the alliance is not to fight in hot spots, but to provide preventative training and engagement with governments to help prevent the growth of terrorist organizations in the partner countries. Member states noted the improvement in communications between the numerous conferences between senior military officers of participant states. Such gatherings have increased confidence among states, improved the training practices, improved joint tactics to confront indigenous terror groups or those outside the region, and assisted in the synchronization of communication. Another important result is that border security has increased throughout the regions. The Sahel countries (Chad, Niger, Mali, and Mauritania) in particular have dramatically increased the presence of troops along their borders, helping to prevent the emergence of safe havens in the expansive desert areas within the region. These elements and the administrations consistent statements regarding the importance of democratic governance represent another aspect of the legacy of the TSCTI. This point is fundamental because it is clear that the success of the TSCTI in the short term and long term will depend on the abilit y of member states to adopt and to implement democratic principles. After having analyzed the two most successful US operations in Africa to counter terrorism, the question of how these results reflect improvement in human security still remains. It is clear that the Operations have succeeded to play an active role in the promotion of democracy, peace and stability, but have they really improved human security in Africa. In order to show you so, I have linked to successfulness of the operations to two important statistic trends. First of all, I did research on the change of the number of terrorist attacks in Africa. Next, I focused on the Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic used to rank countries by level of human development The statistic is composed from data on life expectancy, education and per-capita GDP (as an indicator of standard of living) The HDI has been used since 1990 by the United Nations Development Programme for its annual Human Development Reports. Conclusion (draft) although I hope to have convinced you that human security in Africa has improved indeed since the start of the War on Terror, I have to say there is still much room for further improvement of human security in Africa. The War on Terror in Africa is still facing some major humanitarian challenges, including the crisis in Darfur and the Civil War in Somalia. On October 1, 2008, responsibility for the Trans-Sahara Counter Initiative together with the command of the Horn of Africa Operation was transferred to The United States Africa Command or AFRICOM. It is now up to AFRICOM to prove it is capable of bringing and maintaining peace and stability on the African continent.